March 31, 2020

Money I Spent: Approx $100 on new video games — due to just a moment of weakness on my part. The idea of being home-bound for at least another month was kind of getting to me. I am pretty sure I ordered these games about 80% for me, and 20% for other people in the household. 😀 I think I can offset some of the cost of the new games by selling some of our old video games.

Money I Avoided Spending: n/a

Extra Money I Found or Made: eBay: sold a weather radio for $20.

eBay Expenses: $0

Use-it-Up Challenge: n/a

Decluttering Challenge: n/a

Don’t Go Into a Store Challenge: Success! Stay At Home Streak Day 1!

Exercise Every Day Challenge: Success! Went for what was going to be a 20-minute walk, but ended up being 45 minutes so I could go find a geocache and some pokemon down the road.

Thoughts: Looking at the calendar, I think this was Stay-at-Home Day 20 (I’ve been off by a day). We started staying at home the Thursday after our trip to Denver, which would have been March 12, 2020. During the time since, we have each been to work a couple of times, and I have been to the grocery store really more times than necessary. I think we are too spoiled, and always expect to have everything we want right when we want it… like, pepperoncinis and Diet Coke and quality ribeyes. So I keep feeling like I need to go to the store. But I’d like to focus in April on making do with what we have for as long as possible. Exceptions: 1) when we run out of milk or eggs, I’ll go get more, and 2) Probably on April 2, I’m going to order some things for kiddo’s Easter basket. Since she’s 14 now, this will probably be some quality chocolate and some shoes (red white & blue Crocs that she wants).

I’m going to keep tracking spending and other challenges throughout April. I think I’ll change my monthly challenges around, maybe add or remove one or two, to whatever is most necessary for April!

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